Here’s your first look at WHAT'S NEW IN 2025!


Checking in with our Regional Director in the West, Dave Diller:

“My go-to work from home spot… the Kitchen! Not only does this spot get great natural light, it is the center of our home and it allows me to stay connected to the life of our family. That may sound like a distraction, but with 3 teenagers I have a quiet space to work well passed lunch time hour 🙂 One of the other bonuses with this set-up is that when I need to disconnect for a sec I’ll step over and take care of the dishes (I know, it sounds like something is wrong with me but in this climate it feels good to know I have something I can control from “start to finish”… am I right?!?!). Without a doubt my favorite aspect of working in the kitchen is being in close proximity to one of my family’s favorite creative outlets… cooking! Our kids enjoy cruising recipes for baked goods, dinner ideas or a quick lunch and I enjoy sampling what they’ve made. From blueberry scones to fried rice (gotta clean that wok on the stove) and homemade black bean burgers I’m pretty sure my kids should get a few bonus credits for their mad culinary arts skills. While it has been a bit of an adjustment during this “Stay Home” season… this is something I could get use to!”

What areas of your home bring you creative energy?
If you we working from home in the kitchen would your “go-to” break be:
A. Clean up the dishes from the previous night’s dinner
B. Whip up some brownies for an afternoon snack
C: Brew “another” pot of coffee.